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  Movicon X, the Scada/HMI applied to Building Automation

      Progea has realized a specific product version for Building Automation and Domotics.

     The ever-increasing demand for Building Automation and domotics has prompted Progea to create a line of products especially for this sector.

In this fast advancing sector the technique requirements are not that different from traditional automation ones.  Civil engineers have always, more than often, needed to centralize building information into one control station, where lighting, comfort, climate, security, access control, technology, energy saving, remote control via web or mobile phones can all be controlled.

However, these automation requirements differ from their symbolical use and for the type of communication drivers needed to communicate to the specific devices concerned all with the aim to contain low costs based on the actual situation of the market sectors involved.



Movicon XBA is the ideal solution for:

 Domotic and Smart Home device management

Public building management (Hospitals, department buildings, offices, schools..)

Hotel management

Air conditioning and central heating control

On-site control, remote control

Energy Saving, Energy control management for efficient energy use

Alarm Technology management

Access Control

Remote control via Web using a browser

Remote Control via telephone (JavaPhones) or PDA

Automatic events scheduling

Progea has created a new edition of Movicon X especially for the domotic sector based on the above necessities by adopting specific drivers and symbols.  The license policy has also been adapted to cater for these types of Building Automation requirements.  

This edition is called Movicon XBA, a software product for visualizing and controlling home and building automation systems.  

Thanks to the tried and tested potentiality of Movicon X and its user-friendliness, Movicon XBA adapts perfectly to any civil engineer requirement which today demands innovated products capable of offering the most modern and powerful technology to home systems and public edifices.

All the potentiality of one powerful and simple tool such as MoviconX  makes it even easier to create supervision and monitoring systems today based on consolidated standards.  






Furthermore, all these potentialities are now offered with a license policy especially designed for the Civil Automation world, allowing installers/engineers and technical studies to have a Scada/HMI product specifically adapted to their needs, without needing to abandon the potentiality and openness of a platform consolidated as market standard.

There are many other innovated characteristics which make Movicon XBA the most modern Scada/HMI platform currently on the market.

The advantages you get from using Movicon XBA are:

One-only integrated environment, from WinXP to WinCE.

Unmatched openness thanks to its XML structure

Unmatched Networking based on SOAP and Web Services

Independent of hardware producers

Extra user-friendly.

Powerful and performances.

Less time spent in developing.

Drastic cost reductions

Unmatched support and Services.

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